
Kurita, H., Toyoshima, T. and Ishikawa, Y., 2012, Implications of Long-term Reactivation of Faults Normal to Rift Axis for Coarse-grained Clastic Systems and Structural Segmentation in the Niigata Basin, Japan. American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) International Conference and Exhibition (Singapore).

Hara, H., Kurihara, T., Kuroda, J., Adachi, Y., Kurita, H., Wakita. K, Hisada, K., Charusiri, P., Charoentitiratan, T. and Chaodumrong, P., 2010, Geological and geochemical aspects of a Devonian siliceous sequence in northern Thailand: Implications for the opening of the Paleo-Tethys. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 297, 452-464.

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Matsubara, T., Kurita, H. and Matsuo, H., 2010, Eocene Mollusca from the Tainohata Formation in Kôbe City, southwest Japan. Palaeontological Research, 14, 119-144.

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梅津慶太・栗田裕司, 2007, 岩手県北東部,上部白亜系久慈層群の花粉化石層序と年代. 石油技術協会誌, 72, 215-223.

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Kurita, H., 2004, Paleogene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of northern JapanMicropaleontology, 50, supplement no.2, 3-50.

Yagishita, K., Obuse, A. and Kurita, H., 2003, Lithology and palynology of Neogene sediments on the narrow edge of the Kitakami Massif (basement rocks), northeast Japan: Significant change for depositional environments as a result of plate tectonics. The Island Arc, 12, 268-280.

Kurita, H. and Obuse, A., 2003, Middle Miocene-uppermost lower Pliocene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy, ODP Leg 186 Hole 1151A, off Sanriku Coast of northern Japan, northwestern Pacific. In Suyehiro, K., Sacks, I.S., Acton, G.D. and Oda, M. (eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, vol. 186 [Online].
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Kurita, H. and Matsuoka, K., 2001, Dinoflagellates. In Ikeya, N., Hirano, H. and Ogasawara, K., eds., The database of Japanese fossil type specimens described during the 20th Century, Special Papers, no. 39, Palaeontological Society of Japan, 11-16.

栗田裕司・横井 悟, 2000, 中央北海道南部における新生代テクトニクスの変遷と油田構造形成.石油技術協会誌, 65, 58-70.

栗田裕司・小布施明子・小笠原憲四郎・長谷川四郎・天野和孝・久田健一郎, 2000, ロシア・サハリン島における漸新統〜中部中新統有機質微化石層序(渦鞭毛藻化石・花粉化石)と年代・古環境.地学雑誌, 109, 187-202.

山本裕雄・栗田裕司・松原尚志, 2000, 兵庫県淡路島北部の第三系岩屋層から産出した始新世石灰質ナンノ・渦鞭毛藻化石とその意義.地質学雑誌, 106, 379-382.

松岡數充・栗田裕司, 2000, 渦鞭毛藻化石.化石研究会編「化石の研究法」,共立出版, 51-54.

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Kurita, H. and Uchida, T., 1999, Dinoflagellate cysts from the JAPEX/JNOC/GSC Mallik 2L-38 gas hydrate research well. In Dallimore, S.R., Uchida, T. and Collett, T.S., eds., Scientific Results from JAPEX/JNOC/GSC Mallik 2L-38 Gas Hydrate Research Well, Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada, Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin, no.544, 77-80.

栗田裕司・三輪美智子, 1998, 北海道夕張炭田地域,漸新統紅葉山層の渦鞭毛藻化石層序と年代.地質学雑誌, 104, 56-59.

鈴木明彦・栗田裕司, 1998, 中央北海道穂別町福山のニニウ層群から滝の上動物群の発見.地質学雑誌, 104, 143-146.

栗田裕司・田近 淳, 1998, 北海道東部,常呂帯湧別層群向遠軽層の渦鞭毛藻化石年代(前期始新世)とその意義.地質学雑誌, 104, 808-811.

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Kurita, H. and McIntyre, D. J., 1994, Dinoflagellate assemblages and depositional environments of the Campanian Bearpaw Formation, Alberta. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin, no.479, 67-83.

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田沢純一・栗田裕司, 1986, 南部北上山地下部石炭系尻高沢層の腕足類化石と対比.地質学雑誌, 92, 167-170.

