Interesting rocks and minerals, with some nice scenes in the field.
A magnificent outcrop of complexly folded schist, intruded by numerous veins, tells the process of continental collision that formed the Gondwana Supercontinent some 500 million years ago. This was found by the 32nd Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition at a glacially polished cliff of the Sør Rondane Mountains, East Antarctica.
地震を起こすような断層のずれが高温高圧の地下深部で起こった場合,高速の振動による摩擦のために岩石中に微細な溶融部ができ,そこだけが特殊な岩石に変わることがあると考えられています。このような岩石を「シュードタキライト」と呼び,「地震の化石」といえるものです。写真は日高変成帯で発見された岩石の薄片(薄く切って磨いたもの)を顕微鏡で観察した像で,画面上方に横に延びる黒色の帯状の部分が,細粒な再結晶鉱物でできているシュードタキライトです。写真の横幅は約0.7 mm。(北海道様似郡様似町幌満川)
Pseudotachylite is thought to be a product of fast vibration within a shear zone during seismic activity at the deeper part of the Earth’s crust. This photomicrograph of an example from the Hidaka Metamorphic Belt in Horoman, Hokkaido, exhibits planer development of pseudotachylite (dark layer). Picture ca. 0.7 mm wide.
「かんらん」とは,オリーブの木の和名です。オリーブの実のような鮮やかな緑色をした鉱物「かんらん石」(英名olivine,オリビン)の,この透き通った色は神秘的に見えます。とくにきれいなかんらん石の結晶は「ペリドット」と呼ばれ,宝石として取り引きされます(8月の誕生石です)。写真の横幅は約3 mm。
A close-up view of a crystal of olivine, a common phenocryst-forming mineral in basic igneous rocks. Some kind of olivine is called Peridot as a gemstone. Picture ca. 3 mm wide.
Kakuta-misaki Cape, some 20 km southwest of Niigata city center, is a famous picnic area for its attractive setting with beautiful coast, lighthouse and thick forest behind. The cliff right under the lighthouse provides an easy access to a nice section of a Miocene subaqueous volcano.
When a geologist goes into the woods, he/she will meet not only exposures of interesting rocks but also many other natural wonderful things. Those include old, large trees like this, who should have been there for tens or hundreds of years, gazing countless changes of seasons around itself. Another pleasure to be a geologist.
An outcrop of the base of the Atokura Nappe in the Kanto Mountains. The Upper Cretaceous Atokura Formation (upper) overrides the Mikabu green schist of the Sambagawa Belt (lower). Shimonita Town, Gunma.